The MAT and the M.Ed. programs include a comprehensive exam.
You need to register for the comprehensive exams just like a course. The course prefix is SPED 700.
1. You cannot take the comprehensive exam if you have not registered for it.
2. Comprehensive exams need to be taken in the semester in which you are completing your last classes, i.e. before student teaching. Only students in Master’s programs take the comprehensive exams. You cannot officially graduate till you have completed the comprehensive exams.
3. You cannot register for the comprehensive exams when you still have important courses in your program to complete. Comprehensive exams should be taken when you have completed all coursework or just have one course left.
4. Your adviser will contact you about the preparatory session for the comps, which is typically held four weeks before the exam. It is critical that you attend the preparatory sessions. Information with regard to the format of the exam as well as study strategies will be discussed in this session.